September 18, 2014

Punching Motherhood in the Face

I often awaken to cute giggles and sweet smiles on drool covered faces. At other times, my ears are melting from hellacious crying/whining that leaves me wanting to behead myself! It's a love-hate relationship. I adore motherhood but there are many moments when I want to punch "her" in the face. WHAT?! She always punches me first!

Image found via Google.

I'm feeling the need to vent a bit. If you're overly sensitive or can't stand to read a cynical word about parenting, you should probably leave now. No, I don't want you to go but remember... I want you comfy in Thrillerdise! I'd rather you leave than experience the opposite.

Okay? Okay. Now on with the show!

For the past week, my oldest (Big Cub) has really been showing her colors. I don't mean her beautiful peanut butter skin nor her bright and exuberant personality. I'm referring to the other side of her rather broad spectrum. The side of her that makes me want to put my foot in that broad spectrum! My-oh-my, how she tests me! 

Before becoming a parent, I remember seeing moms in public with their kids and I'd judge them one way or another. I didn't realize I was judging them then but I do now. I recall watching them "flip out" in the store and I'd be appalled at the sight. Now, pshhhttt, not so much! I know there's a REASON that mom's wig is one-sided and she's about to go all Mike Tyson on somebody's ears ... or worse. *Gulp* 

It's the dang kids or that hubby I tell ya! Lmao! Poor mom!

You never know what drama a parent has faced before leaving home, in the car, etc. Quite a few mornings this school year, Big Cub and I have gone head to head from the moment her eyes opened! She can't decide what she wants for breakfast, she's too tired to get dressed, her sister (Lil Cub) is bothering her, I'm blinking too fast, the oxygen is low, or the damn carpet fibers aren't even. Of course I'm exaggerating but the child drives. me. crazy. when she's in this mood. And it's all too much for me!

I loathe having an awful start to the day but when we hit that school sidewalk, the facades go up and smiles take over! Ha! I can't say the smiles are false because by then, we're in a different atmosphere. Her friends are around to make her happy and I know I'm getting a 6 hour escape! 


I piddle around trying to do my thing during the day and then it's time to pick her up. After school is usually better than mornings but if I don't time all-the-things perfectly (homework, chores, dreaded shower) a meltdown is inevitable! The drama starts all over and the madness continues. That's another punch in the face for Motherhood! Ugh...

I could continue with my rant but there's no need to bombard you with things you know all too well. As parents, we experience many of the same things. We have our good days and our foot-in-the-spectrum days. Yeah, yeah, parenting is rewarding and children are a blessing (truly) but Thriller Mom is about venting. MY venting is about MY truth. And my truth ain't always pretty!

Image found via Google.

When you see me in the community, know that I try to look alive decent when I leave home. And decent just means my bra is on and there's no goo in my eyes! But on those hellacious days, when I look like I've walked through a tornado and lived to tell about it, then that's EXACTLY what has happened! Just give me a nod of the head assuring me that you know the struggle is real! And if I see you laughing a bit, I'll know it's not at me. It's because you're aware of motherhood's recent punch in the face!

Do you ever have those days when Motherhood is not all it's cracked up to be? Or those moments you'd also like to punch "her" in the face (so to speak)? If so, tell me about it! Remember to subscribe to and follow me all over social media. I'd love to have you along for the journey!

The Deliberate Mom

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  1. Ahhh, yes, those days. I completely understand and sometimes the motherhood gig is just too much. I used to "judge" before I had kids too - now... I totally get it. Plus we never know all the background before that parent slipped and snapped at their kid(s). It could have been the worst day ever, battling stressors, poor health... we never really know.

    Regardless, if I lived closer I would ship you off for an afternoon of peace. Giving you a cyber hug.

    Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    1. Oh how I wish you were here to ship me off!! Lol! And yes, we never know what's REALLY going on behind the scenes. Motherhood teaches us amazing lessons! =)

  2. Love this post. It is real, raw and is the damn truth. Sometimes I just feel defeated by my children and that's sad but true. Of course I sometimes feel like smacking my 5 year old because of how much of a brat she is, it is motherhood plain and simple.

    1. I'm so happy you enjoyed this! One thing you'll find here is "truth." I'm honest about MY experiences, good & bad. And that feeling of defeat is very real. You are NOT alone! =)

  3. Love the honesty of this post...and how you made me laugh!

    1. Always happy to make someone laugh! Lol! Thanks for being here. =)

  4. I used to look at people wrestling with their kids and wonder what the hell was wrong with those people. Now, I don't judge. Rather, I assume there's a reason for it. Now, I get suspicious about families where the kids are dead silent and everyone has a stick up their ass. They seem boring. I wouldnt trade all of our daily problems for anything in the world.

    1. Well stated! I wouldn't trade my crAzy, chaotic life for anything either! =)

  5. we all have those days and I truly believe it becomes more of an issue when we can't talk about it. Anyone who says they never get frustrated to the max of their limit is a LIAR!

    1. Parenthood is DEFINITELY a challenge and I LOVE connected with parents who admit it!

  6. Another great post! I love how "real" you are on your blog! And I feel you on the judgey parents. I used to be one too....but everyone has their own battles and until we conquer our own, who are we to judge? Thanks so much for doing #BlogDiggity with me every week and for being such a great cyber friend :) Sending hugs (and a vacation in your mind.'s the best I can do from this far away!)

  7. Haha, I know exactly what you're talking about. I have a pre-teen son and he is happy one moment and moody as hell the next. I love every single inch of him, except the hormones! Great post!

  8. I have more of those days than not right now. My teenager drives me over the edge. I don't think parents were meant to have toddlers and teenagers at the same time. One's up late, the other is up really early and the lack of sleep is a recipe for Crazy. I have pretty much given up caring what I wear, combing or even dying my graying hair, or really trying at all. I want to just wear sweat pants that have the words "GIVEN UP ON LIFE" written on the butt. Just so people really KNOW my level of commitment. I know the toddler stage goes by fast, but some days feel like an eternity, plus I had back to back kids and I watch extra kids. Because I make horrible decisions obviously.

  9. You are such a great writer. I love someone who tells it like it is. I've been a mom for almost 23 years and yes...sometimes it just sucks. But, sometimes it doesn't and that makes up. I hope you can sneak some downtime for yourself. I recommend hiding in the bathroom with a bottle of wine or a ginourmous bar of chocolate...or both.

  10. This is so funny. You crack me up. I don't have kids but I do have several friends who are mothers to tornado kids. I now am one of those motherless ladies who sees a mom struggling at the grocery and I don't ask, I just walk up and help her unload the cart. I had a mom almost cry on me for that she was so grateful. Her kid quit his whining to watch. If nothing else, I hope I've taught the kid that when you see the crazy eye coming out, shut up, act right and be helpful.

  11. Yes!! The struggle is real girl!! Hang in there.
